Independent Assurance for Boards with Impact

What is an external review of governance (ERG)?

An external review of governance (ERG) is conducted by an experienced governance expert who is independent of the Board and the executive leaders and examines in detail the effectiveness of the Board. The review provides an objective view of the Board’s strengths and area for development and includes clear recommendations for improvement through an agreed action plan.

How often should we commission an ERG?

The Charity Governance Code recommends that large charities, such as MATs, undertake an external review every three years. Similarly, the Academy Trust Governance Code points to a three-year cycle of board assurance in which an ERG plays a key role. For smaller academy trusts and maintained schools it is also advisable to undertake a review at regular intervals.

What can I expect from an ERG undertaken by Botley Governance?

The methodology of the review may vary, dependent on the complexity, requirements and budget of the organisation. However, a full review of governance is a detailed process of observation and evidence gathering which will include a combination of the following elements:

  • An examination of the Board’s key governance documents (e.g. articles of association, scheme of delegation) and testing for compliance

  • One-to one discussions with key stakeholders, including the Chair, Vice Chair, Executive Leader and Governance Professional

  • An online survey to canvas the views of wider board members

  • A review of meeting minutes covering the last twelve-month period

  • Observation of at least one Board meeting (plus local governing body and/or committee meetings as appropriate)

  • Testing of compliance with requirements for published governance information

You will receive a full report, action plan and the option for a progress impact review meeting and report after a recommended period of six to twelve months.

How long will the review take?

This will depend on the Board’s meeting cycle since part of the review will be for me to observe at least one board meeting, plus other local and committee meetings as appropriate. For this reason, the review may typically take eight to ten weeks.

For a confidential, no obligation conversation about how I can support your school, trust or college please get in touch via my contact page